The World Has Gone Crazy
WHAT THE @$#%^&*# (2nd edition)
I’m sitting in my hotel room right here in the Big Apple reading the Wednesday, October 14, 2015 edition of the New York Times which leads me to the inescapable conclusion that the world, if it hasn’t already, is going absolutely fucking crazy. I’m not making any of this up. It says so on top of the first page. “All the News That’s Fit to Print”.
Vladimir Putin said that the US, and others, have “mush” for brains. You think? He also claimed that he asked the US for suggested targets and their coordinates in Syria but did not get any response. Do you think there is an issue of “trust” between the US and Russia?
After a fifteen month long inquiry by Dutch investigators it was announced that Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was downed by a Russian-Made Missile over Eastern Ukraine. That was a no-brainer. Everyone knew that when it happened. No one in their right mind would ever imagine that the so-called “rebels” actually manufactured their own missiles. Duh!
The Saudis have a 74 year old grandfather in prison for over one year who still faces 350 lashes. His offense was having bottles of homemade wine in his car. In Saudi Arabia death is the usual sentence for murder, arms smuggling, drug dealing and other violent crimes by beheading in the public square. Lesser offenses such as consorting with members of the opposite sex, adultery, women behind the wheel of a car and homosexuality are dealt with simply by flogging.
Clinton Turns Up The Heat on Sanders. So? Big deal. What did you expect? Just because he’s an old guy, was she supposed to coddle him? But I did not watch the Democratic Presidential Debate the other night. Instead I watched the LA Dodgers beat the NY Mets.
Palestinians kill Israelis – Israelis kill Palestinians – again. It reminds me of the “troubles” in Northern Ireland between the Catholics and the Protestants or on a lesser note, the Hatfield’s and the McCoy’s. Does it really have to be that way? If I were to fault the Israelis, I would have to say that they never considered the plight of their victims following their spectacular defeat of the Arab nations in 1967 which was compounded by the losers failing to grant sanctuary to all of those who were displaced by that war and who considered themselves to be Palestinians. If I were to fault the Palestinians, I would have to say that their problem is that they absolutely, to the death, refuse to accept the indisputable fact, that Israel is here to stay, period, end of story. Instead of trying to defeat Israel and squandering all of their assets and energies on Bullshit, yes, Bullshit, the Palestinians would be far better off if they worked towards improving themselves and working together with Israel and not against it.
Australia is looking towards lowering the minimum age to fourteen for Antiterror Controls. Wow.
The Taliban ended its 15 day capture of Kunduz, Afghanistan, supposedly in order to save ammunition, after it all but destroyed the city, executed opponents, freed prisoners and captured much needed equipment, Complicating matters, ISIS is beating up on the Taliban. I don’t get it. And lastly, the big O is rethinking his plans for an Afghanistan pullout. All I can say on that is if you enter a war it should be with only one objective in mind. And that is to win it and not to fuck around piecemeal. If you have no intention of winning it, then stay the hell out.
Iran’s Parliament approves details of Nuclear Accord with161 for, 59 against and 13 abstentions. Really?
Gun control is making the news again. It’s not that we need more controls, as claimed by those politicians that specialize in pandering, we need to enforce those laws that are already on the books. Case in point. In Milwaukee a jury awarded some five million to two police officers who were seriously wounded by someone whose hand gun was illegally purchased for him by his friend. The shooter is presently serving time for attempted murder and the purchaser already served two years for the illegal purchase. The gun store is appealing the verdict.
A couple, aged 65 and 59 from upstate New York are charged with beating their 19 year old son to death and seriously injuring his 17 year old brother. Where did this happen? In Church.
A New York City Corrections Officer at Rikers Island is sentenced to over three years in prison (maybe at Rikers Island) for selling drugs to convicts. Just like in the movies.