He’s Not Civil Service
I did not intend to say anything about this subject, at least not now, but with everyone else jumping on it, I said to myself, “what the hell”.
I was always under the impression that in the absence of a contract, right or wrong, an employer can always fire an employee. And if the employee feels that he or she was wrongly terminated, there are always the courts in which the terminated employee can seek remedy. Or so I thought.
But when the employer is POTUS and the employee is The Director of The FBI, everything is obviously ratcheted up more than a notch or two. In my opinion, because of who POTUS is, if the terminated employee was the garbage man, it would probably raise just as many eyebrows. I also find it puzzling that it took this long for Trump to fire Comey or better yet, why did Comey not tender his resignation when the new administration became official?
Let’s face it, Comey did seem to be at times waffling around catering to the flavor of the day, not sure which way the wind was blowing. First he lets Hillary off the hook with nothing more than a very gentle slap on the wrist when others before her were nailed to the cross for doing far less. And to everyone’s lasting surprise he announces that he is resuming Hillary’s investigation, almost on the eve of the election, and then backtracks – after the damage is done. I never thought that Trump would win except after Comey made his 11th hour announcement. It doesn’t equate.
Comey’s downfall may be due in part to his unwillingness or inability to maintain a low profile or his desire to emulate a predecessor who needs no introduction, J. Edgar Hoover, who was the undisputed ruler of the FBI from 1924 to 1972. He ran his fiefdom as though it was a separate country within a country where he was answerable to no one but himself, a feat that was made possible because of his accumulation of dossiers on anyone who was anyone, politicians or otherwise, both in and out of the government, much of which was salacious in nature. It was not up to Comey to make laws or put his own spin on them as he obviously did but to follow the exact letter of the laws whether he does or does not agree with them.
All of the recent posturing where each politician is trying desperately to outdo each other via, “my committee is bigger than yours”, when calling for even more investigations of the “Russian Connection” is absolutely nauseating, especially when there is no evidence that the Russians did anything other than to read the male of the DNC. It reminds me of the time when the Republicans tried to go after Bill Clinton due to his sexual misconduct and went so far as to appoint a special prosecutor whose sole job was to nail Bill Clinton for fooling around. I wonder how much that cost the taxpayers? It’s like back in the day when Harry S. Truman was accused of having too many bureaucrats in Washington. So what? His quick response was that a bureaucrat was merely a Democrat who had a job that a Republican wanted. And so it goes.
Now Comey is requesting more funds so that he can expand his Russia investigation which sounds to me more like he’s trying to set up a new sub-industry within the FBI. Before spending any serious money on this witch hunt, I think the public should be informed as to exactly how and when and to what extent, if any, the Russians were able to effect the outcome of our elections. Did they hack us? So they hacked the DNC. Big deal. Maybe it will convince them to apply some cyber-security to their system? As a matter of fact, ALL countries are hacked or have been hacked at one time or another. All that means is that whoever did the hacking was able to listen in. We do it ALL THE TIME. Don’t be shocked by this but we have even interfered, yes, actually interfered and effected the outcome of elections around the world a number of times over the years. So, is it a case of the pot calling the kettle black?