Being Politically Correct …. What the F@#$@
I am really beginning to like that title, the second part, as it seems to cover whatever is going on these days. Once upon a time we were generally, usually, for the most part a law abiding country. I know, I know. We always had the Mafia and its derivatives to contend with as well as an exploding drug scene. Aside from that, over the last twenty years or so, we have digressed to a nation where everyone is afraid of offending someone by not being politically correct, which in itself may be a good thing, but it seems to be accompanied by a new kind of lawlessness combined with a total disrespect towards others and their property, to such an extent which I have never seen before.
During WWII our country, wrongly I may add, interned around 112,000 out of 127,000 Japanese Americans, 62% of them American citizens, because they lived on the west coast, not because they did anything wrong but rather because they might do something wrong as well as the usual prejudices at that prevailed at time. Not only were these people innocent of any wrongdoing, they were hard working, industrious and loyal Americans whose volunteers from within their ranks made up the 442nd Regimental Combat Team which is our most highly decorated unit of WWII. In spite of the indignities that these Japanese had to endure, they still remained loyal Americans.
Of the 127,000 Japanese that lived in the US at the outbreak of WWII, do you know how many of them committed acts of treason, sabotage, terror or anything for that matter against the US or its citizens? The answer is zero.
Fast forward some sixty years to 9-11-01. Of the 1,000,000 plus Muslims (I tried to Google it but could not get a precise answer) that lived in the US on 9-11-01 and since, do you know how many of them have committed any acts of treason, sabotage, terror or anything for that matter against the US or its citizens? The answer is maybe 1/10 of 1% or less. That is not an Army but it is certainly enough to cause some damage and to cast a bad light on the other 99 plus %.
The point I am trying to make is, absent the establishment of a police state in the US akin to Nazi Germany, the Muslim community MUST assume some of the responsibility and take a hard look at what they are doing or, more precisely, what they are not doing to stop RADICAL ISLAM. End of story. There, I said it.
So what can we do about it? Have you ever seen photos of the soldiers in Israel, the IDF, male and female, when they are off duty, munching on a falafel or traveling from one place to another? They carry their weapons with them slung over their shoulders. Why? They do so not only to be ready should they be called up in any contingency but more importantly, as a DETERRENT. Think about it. If these off duty soldiers of the IDF, male and female, did not carry their weapons with them, they and all of the citizens they have sworn to protect would be sitting ducks for the lunatic jihadists.
All of the so-called experts are debating about how and what could have turned the latest shooter. Whether it be in Ft. Hood, Texas or Chattanooga, Tennessee, it really doesn’t matter because you can’t get into the head of everyone out there, especially after the fact, to see what makes them tick. The best and only kind of defense in these types of scenarios is an effective DETERRENT. All active service men and service women, with proper training and appropriate ID, regulars and reserves, should be required to carry their weapons with them, in plain sight for everyone to see. The same should hold true for all police personnel, regulars or reserves, on or off duty. Will this practice put a stop on the activities of all of the jihadist lunatics? Of course not. But it will cut down on the number of American fatalities.
In all situations of jihadist violence, with the exception of military actions, their acts have been perpetrated ONLY against those who are unarmed and not in a position to defend themselves. So I ask you, with all of the free TV coverage that these nut cases have been able to garner, have you ever seen any of them attack anyone who is armed or who doesn’t have their hands tied behind their back? Think about it.