Election Aftermath
Before “THE VIEW FROM OVER HERE” we had “IT’S TIME TO STOP THE BS”, (we used the actual word), which was an apt description for everything that was and is going on, both here and abroad.
Since the subject matter for today is bullshit, I had better get hold of my hip boots and shovel.
And now the CIA has inferred that the Russians may have helped Trump defeat Hillary Clinton. Isn’t the CIA the same organization that royally fucked up at the “Bay of Pigs” and knew nothing about “9-11” and gave sworn testimony before Congress that “Iraq had WMD’s” as well as not that long ago helping to doctor intelligence reports so that they would conform to the Big O’s wishful thinking as to what is and what has been happening with ISIS? Is that the same CIA?
Why in the world would the Russians ever want Trump to win over Hillary for she would surely have been an easy pushover for Putin? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. They say that the Russians may have released some of Hillary’s emails that would have been compromising to her. If that is indeed the case, and these compromising emails do in fact exist, then I say release them to all of the media, because the American public has a right to know.
I thought that the election was over and done with. Jill Stein, who couldn’t get elected as dog catcher, let alone POTUS, really likes to waste money, lots of it. Who is she kidding? And now she is calling for a recount of the votes in the hope of de-railing Trump. Give me a break. So far, all they are finding out is that it was the Democrats who cheated, as they have in the past, and now Trump’s final popular vote tally is even higher.
You say that you don’t like the Electoral College System and think that becoming POTUS should be strictly in accordance with the popular vote. Well, I for one happen to agree. The Electoral College System was developed over two hundred years ago and makes no sense in this day and age. But that doesn’t give all of the morons and idiots out there, and we do have an abundance of them, the right to cause mayhem or to indulge in the destruction of property. DO IT THE RIGHT WAY, as provided for in our Constitution. For all of those who cannot comprehend what I am saying, it means do it the legal way via a Constitutional Amendment.
Statement of The Year: “Hell hath no fury like a Liberal scorned”.
Did you know that people are still bitching about Trump being an anti-semite? Before these people shoot their mouths off, they should know that two of his kids have married members of the Jewish faith and that the others, except for Barron, are dating Jews. Trump has also been pro-Israel for many years, a long time before he ever decided to go into politics. He is also accused of making anti-semitic remarks. That theory is based on Trump’s statement that Jews are good at negotiating and that he prefers that Jews count his money for him, or words to that effect.
I know that I am going to get into trouble for this one. Statements that are “anti-this” or “anti-that” are statements that are negative, not pro. To say that Black people make the best athletes or that Asians are the best workers or that the female living next door to you is a ‘ten’ are definitely not negative statements. I am aware that the latest people-protocol consists of not making complementary comments regarding one group compared to another because it is supposed to be a form of prejudice.
This is nonsense. Imagine if this practice is extrapolated out to each and all of the areas in which we live, compete and interact. We would no longer be able to give recognition to the top athletes for their achievements nor to the top scholars for their grades nor to anyone for anything. Beauty contests? Definitely out of the question.
Human nature as it has developed over the centuries requires that people be given some kind of consideration or recognition for their accomplishments, qualities, traits, characteristics or abilities and this consideration or recognition need not always be in monetary form. If we legislate favorable comments or recognition out of existence, in a relatively short time we would become a nation of incompetents and of course non-acheivers. So why bother?