Enough is Enough
About four years ago I thought that I had one hell of an idea for a radio program regarding the dissemination of simple concepts that would get people to think. It was called and advertised as, “It’s Time to Stop The Bullshit”, which was on CRN Digital Radio. Because of everything that has happened since, the amount of “Bullshit” and the accompanying insanity that is out there has not diminished but has actually increased, not on a straight line but on an upward curve. We all know that this increase has occurred throughout the world in every facet of life. In the US it has increased particularly in politics, on BOTH sides of the aisle.
Are we in a war? Of course we are in a war. Those who are still in denial must surely have their heads up their asses. Those who are realistic will agree that we are in this war, not with the Muslims, but with radical islamic jihadists who only claim to be Muslims. Case in point. Who then in their right mind would commit such violent atrocities against people, people of all persuasions, including their own?
In all wars there are prisoners. If my memory serves me correctly I seem to recall that during WWI, WWII and all other wars, all prisoners of war were held in POW camps and remained there until the war was declared to be Officially over. If we are not in a war as some politicians foolishly insist, then why are people dying every day? If we are truly in such a war, why then do we release our prisoners of war prior to the cessation of hostilities?
Can someone please tell me why?
In conjunction with this first question, the companion question asks: Why does our country no longer mandate entrance requirements for those seeking entry to our country and some of our politicians still clamor for only more immigrants to be permitted entry without any entrance requirements, particularly when those individuals refuse to assimilate nor pledge allegiance to our country and instead prefer to adhere to their original and in many instances barbaric customs that are to say the least, a dozen or more centuries behind the rest of the world?
Can someone please tell me why?
The third question is a spin-off of the second question: Why do we spend more money on the resettlement of these questionable immigrants than we do on our own citizens, that for whatever reason, live below the poverty level or our veterans and their families, some of whom have made the ultimate sacrifice?
Can someone please tell me why?
The other night I watched the opening session of the DNC promoting Hillary Clinton and her many virtues. I don’t remember how many speakers there were but I listened to all of them. And in all that time I did not hear anyone make any mention whatsoever about ISIS, Al Queda, Islamic Jihadists, Terrorism, Terrorists, Illegal Immigrants or any of the many problems related to or originating in the mid-east. It was as though the subject matter did not exist. It would appear as though the Democrats are completely oblivious to the dangers and problems that the entire world now faces or perhaps they just don’t think that those issues are anything for us to be concerned about.
Come to think of it, I don’t remember there being one American flag on display that night. And this was supposed to be a political convention in OUR country. What the #@*%&?
One of the speakers on the first night of the DNC, who shall remain nameless, was truly vociferous against Donald Trump, claiming that Trump “doesn’t like Muslims because of the way that they pray”. He actually said that and that’s a new one for me. I was always under the impression that Trump doesn’t like Muslims because of the way that they make bombs and then use them in a cowardly fashion against innocent civilians. Or maybe it’s because they chop off the heads of innocent civilians. I’m not sure which. I know that not all Muslims Behave in that manner but when our government has what amounts to an open door policy towards Muslims without any vetting, I know that we’ll never know which ones do and which ones don’t (bomb us or chop off our heads), until after the fact.
With all of the bullshit that is flying in all directions, I noticed that if a person is one of those die hard Democrats or some other kind of political groupie, most of them will vote for their parties candidate, no matter what. And the same goes for the Republicans. Nothing can sway them even if their candidate was caught red handed doing whatever. Either they refuse to believe it or they just don’t care. At this point you’re most likely thinking that there is no way that I could be a Democrat and therefore I must be a Republican or worse. Why to I have to be either? Why can’t I be an American first and then whatever?