Hey, Resnick!
Hey, Resnick! How long do I know you? Never mind. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you’re having conversations with other people on my web site. MY site. I don’t recall ever having encountered such cheek, gall, nerve or chutzpah.
The last time that we sparred with words you said that you would be brief when critiquing my observations on life. But when you were done I could easily see that your retort was twice as long as my comments. Yes, I kept copies of both. I was about to respond to your ranting but I remembered something that my mother once told me, “never argue with a stupid person because even if you win, you still lose”, and so I let it go. Are you a stupid person? Not really. In fact, how could you be? You’re from Brooklyn, right? You’re just misguided and have lost your way, that’s all.
And now you’re picking a fight with Wayne Dunlap. You should be picking a fight with someone your own size. He’s not from Brooklyn, you know. Not with a name like Wayne Dunlap, he ain’t.
And what are you guys bantering about? The same old bullshit that Hillary is the greatest thing since chopped liver. Not that it makes any difference, but I hate chopped liver. And that The Donald is nothing but a bigot, racist, islamaphobe, xenophobe, homophobe, war monger, whore monger and anything else you can think of. Not that you have any hard evidence of these pithy accusations, other than you heard it from someone, who heard it from someone else, who heard it from somewhere and so forth, ad infinitum. Okay, so his father was some of those things. Big deal. Everyone’s parents or relatives have at one time or another been guilty of one or more of those things.
But in Hillary’s case you are quick to ignore, overlook or pooh-pooh all of her errors of omission, changes in stories, blaming others for her actions and assorted transgressions (otherwise known as lies) in spite of the fact that there is an abundance of hard evidence that backs up almost all of the accusations made against her.
I used to refer to her as a lying sack of shit. But not any more. It’s not polite and it is definitely uncouth. I have a new name for her, Mrs. Pinnochio. Her nose may not be getting longer but her ass is getting bigger. Don’t take my word for it. Check it out with Bill. Remember, you heard it here first.
Granted, her qualifications for POTUS are far greater than those of Trump and anyone else who has applied for the job in a very, very long time, perhaps ever. But we are not talking about qualifications, we are talking about character.
Not that Trump is an angel for his faults are many. Basically, he has only three things going for him; he is not a professional politician, he is not part of the so-called ‘establishment’ and you can’t bribe him, unless of course that the amount of the bribe is so great that he cannot possibly turn it down. That goes for everyone on the planet, except maybe Mother Teresa. But then again, she’s dead. Oh, one more thing. Trump’s family makes a great impression on TV, not like Hillary’s. At one time I thought that the brothers Kennedy, especially Jack, were the biggest whore masters that ever lived. With all of the latest revelations about Bill, he makes JFK look like a Boy Scout.
There, I’ve said it and now I have to get back to work. So have a good day and I’ll see you at the next meeting of the Brownsville Boy’s Club.