To immigrate or not to immigrate? I believe that is the question. Before getting into the subject it should be noted that every person in the US, without exception, is either an immigrant or is descended from immigrants. Even our native Indians immigrated from somewhere. In their case it was most likely from Asia across the once frozen land bridge that connected Asia and what is now Alaska.
Is immigration good for our country? I think so, but with the following conditions.
A person should not be granted entry simply because some politician said so nor because he or she wants it. We cannot have open borders. A country without proper borders is not a country.
Anyone seeking entry to our country should be required to meet certain minimum qualifications such as not being the carrier of a contagious disease and should have an occupation or a skill that can be put to use so that such person does not become an automatic welfare recipient.
Such person must uphold and obey our Constitution and all of our laws, including those laws that deal with different religions and different lifestyles.
Immigrants that engage in or participate in acts of terror or sedition should be immediately deported back to their country of origin.
Immigrants shall not be eligible for any state, county, municipal or federal programs or benefits that are made available to our own citizens until said immigrants meet the qualifications for said benefits or programs.
Immigrants shall not be permitted to vote in any state, county, municipal or federal elections until said immigrant is a naturalized citizen of our country.
Our country may not be perfect but based on all of the facts it is arguably the best. Therefore, it is not in our country’s best interests to allow those who would defile or make mockery of it, try to enforce unwanted changes that may or may not coincide with the features of their own country of origin or go against our Constitution and the body of laws that emanate therefrom, to have access to our country and all that it stands for and provides.