In The News
It’s about time and long overdue. Should we take up a collection for the poor oil companies that are not making as much money as they used to? They’ve been getting away with it for so long that they look upon it as an entitlement. They’ve been fucking over the public for as long as I can remember. Their stocks are down. Big fucking deal. That’s just a psychological situation that was created by the greedy ‘flash boys’. Now you really have to think about this. Savings at the pump is a direct boon to our economy. How so? Because those savings of around one dollar per gallon are not saved by the consumer but rather spent on OTHER things. Think about it. Billions are being taken away from the greedy oil companies (why they needed subsidies is way beyond me) and in effect, are being distributed to all of the other companies across the country.
The Fed is still putzing around with this question. Some of our so called experts are crying because the economy is sluggish and claim that an interest hike is needed to spur it on. Bullshit. It’s the other way around. Whenever I hear people asking for an interest rate hike, to me, it’s just a euphemism for saying that they are not making as much money as they used to. An interest rate hike only serves to help the rich at the expense of the little guy. I say no to any interest rate hikes. From my own experience as having worked as an actuary for most of my life I can tell you that lower, not higher, interest rates are overall in the best interests of the economy and our country.
For one thing, my take on Trump’s skipping out on the last debate was wrong. It appears as though the voters in Iowa have been pampered and pandered to for so long that they fully expect all candidates to cater to them for their votes and playing hooky for the last debate did not sit too well with some of them.
When I was a a kid we had a saying that is still true today. “Money talks and bullshit walks.” Unfreezing some one hundred fifty billion, or more, of Iranian assets will permit Iran to go on an unprecedented shopping spree all around the world, INCLUDING in the US, for just about anything and everything. Why not? It’s their money. The deal is done and I don’t think that a new President can or will even want to, “tear it up”, as some of them have promised to do once in the White House. After all, business is business. So, before any of you start to mouth off that the Big O did the right thing, I want you to Google some of the many ‘U-tubes’ that are on the internet and punch in, “Israel Attacks Iraqi Nuclear Facility in 1981”, or a similar title. There you will find the entire story laid out before you, including all of the reactions from all over the international community. When you have done that, then you can voice your opinion.
Since pot was legalized in Colorado not that long ago, sales have increased by 17.4% from 2014 to 2015, or in actual numbers from $4.6 billion to $5.4 billion. Man, that sure is a lot of smoke, but is it generating an equal amount of tax income?
Some smart ass out there in cyber land emailed me an unsigned letter with the following question: “What contributions have Muslims made to our country?” Aside from having spurred advances in Airport Security, I cannot for the life of me think of any.
Surprise, surprise, surprise. He may pull it off yet. It was an uphill battle all the way. No one, except maybe Bernie, actually thought that he could stand up to and end up neck and neck with Hillary. Hooray for Bernie.
While surfing the internet the other day I came across an article on Hillary in the latest issue of a magazine calling itself ,”Atlantic”, not to be confused with, “The Atlantic”, which is a well known publication. Without actually saying the words, “Atlantic”, accused her of being a lying sack of shit and by inference, the Big O as well. You don’t believe me? Check it out on Google.
A few months ago Hillary appeared before a Congressional Committee conducting a hearing on the Benghazi fiasco and quite frankly, she came out of it smelling like roses, comparatively speaking, of course. That’s because the Committee fucked up, plain and simple, they fucked up. How? They asked the wrong questions. What they should have asked was:
1. On what date and at what time did the problem first start.
2. On what date and at what time did the problem end or was brought under control.
3. During that time period were any calls for help or assistance sent out.
4. How many of such calls were sent out.
5. By what means were these calls sent out: telephone, telegraph, radio, email, courier, by the host country or by any other means.
6. When did the first of such calls come in and how often did they come in after the first.
7. Who were the calls addressed to, if anyone.
8. Were the calls actually logged in.
9. What is the procedure for logging in such calls and was that procedure followed.
10, Who actually logged in the calls.
11. When calls for help are received, what was the procedure, then and not now, and actual chain of command when responding to such calls
12. Were these procedures followed.
13. Who was involved in these procedures and what part did they actually play in dealing with these calls.
14. If the calls for help were answered, what would have been the procedure. Would you:
a) Ask the perpetrators to stop.
b) Ask the host country to force the perpetrators to stop.
c) Ask the President to take action via:
i) Land
ii) Sea
iii) Air
iv) Any combination of i), ii) and iii)
d) Ask the United Nations to intercede
15. If the calls for help were answered, how long would the response times have been via:
i) Land
ii) Sea
iii) Air
16. What action, if any, was taken on the calls.
17. Who has the actual authority to answer such calls for help.
18. Who has the authority to order a ‘stand down’ on such calls for help.
19. Were the calls responded to and if not, why not..
20. Did anyone give an order to ‘stand down’.
21. If so, who gave the order to ‘stand down’.
22. In light of what happened at Benghazi, have any of the original procedures been changed or modified and if so, which ones specifically.