It’s Bullshit Time – Once Again
Can you believe that the Big O stated that if he ran for a third term he would have beaten Trump? What has that guy been smoking? Whatever it is, get me some of that stuff. This man is totally out of touch with reality. Besides his wishful thinking, he should know that there is a two term limit whether the terms are consecutive or non-consecutive, period. The only way that the Big O, in the absence of a new amendment to the Constitution, could become President again is to run for Vice President on someone else’s ticket, since there are no term restrictions for Vice President, even for an ex-President. If that were the case and the President-elect died right after taking office, the Vice President would take his or her place and finish out the term for the deceased President. The Big O could pull this off only once unless he decided to continually run for Vice President on someone else’s ticket.
The Republicans say that they are finally going to rescind The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare. Maybe yes, maybe no. Assuming that they are going to rescind it, they must first have a viable replacement or a list of changes thereto before ‘shooting from the hip’. Although a national health plan was and is still needed, Obamacare was not the solution and was doomed to fail no matter what. You can thank the insurance companies for that. Perhaps now the powers that be will make a sensible decision and accept the concept of a Single Payor Plan. One such solution would be to restructure Medicare and make it available to everyone who qualifies including all of those who now get their coverage from the VA. But whatever is decided on, the decision makers should first consult with the Actuarial Community who at least know something about health care plans.
So what is the Big O doing, now that he is no longer our illustrious leader? I heard that he was on his way back to his stomping grounds of Chicago to help that city celebrate the shootings during 2016, a total of 4,368 of which 762 died, which is more than New York City and Los Angeles combined. And for 2017 they are off to a good start with over 100 shootings during the first two weeks of January. Perhaps the Big O will be able to convince one of his followers, the Mayor of that embattled city, that it is long overdue for him to get his shit together and straighten things out, even if it means cracking a few heads because if he can’t or won’t, then the State or Federal Government may have to do it for him.
I read an item posted on the Internet by Rob Raskin claiming that Trump already has all of the materials needed to build the “Wall”. This is due to Hillary’s defeat last November after which some fifty million Democrats ‘shit a brick’. Get it? Bricks?
Did you watch the Golden Globe presentations last week? I did. There is no doubt that Meryl Streep is a fantastic actress, or actor if I must be politically correct. If she made any ‘bombs’ during her incredible career they were surely not due to her lack of talent but rather incompetent directing or poor writing. But her political comments were, in my opinion, uncalled for in a venue that is by and for artists that is aired world wide on TV. Because she decided to make political statements in public, some may refer to her as a hypocrite since she once publicly rallied for a convicted child molester and rapist who fled the country prior to his sentencing.
I see that a lot of sore losers are still bitching about Trump’s lack of experience and his selection of cabinet members that are from the areas that he claims he will crack down on. First of all, I don’t think that anyone has the experience before filling the position of POTUS except maybe, and just maybe, Five Star Generals or Admirals. The Big O did not have the experience. Harry Truman did not have the experience and yet turned out to become one of our best Presidents. As to his appointments I for one think that an ex-smoker makes for an excellent anti-smoker and that an ex-communist makes for an excellent anti-communist. The same would be true for an ex-CEO of a company that was notorious for screwing the public. Who would know more about and how to fight such industries?
The embittered sore losers are also bitching about Trump making fun of a journalist and that the Russians have effected the outcome of the elections because of their hacking. This is nothing more than pure unadulterated bullshit.
I have seen all of the videos pertaining to the ridiculing of the journalist and the accusations towards Trump are totally unfounded. Why not go directly to the source and ask the journalist what he thinks. While on the subject of deriding or making fun of disabled people, in one of the Big O’s interviews on TV he inadvertently fumbled something to which he stated, “It’s like I’m in the Special Olympics, or something like that”. Guess what? The Special Olympics is solely for disabled persons.
The Russians had an effect on the elections? Can anyone please tell me specifically when and exactly how did they effect our elections? Yesterday I actually heard some schmuck of a politician on the radio claiming that Trump is not a legitimate President because he did not win the election on the up and up due to the help he received from the Russians. If anyone has definitive proof of this allegation then he or she should present it to the media and they will know what to do with it. Maybe they’ll be able to have Trump thrown out of office before he finishes his first year. The only thing that is for certain is that the Russians did hack the DNC. Big deal.