Market Crash
You say the DOW dropped 1,000 points. Holy shit! And most of it is due to trouble in China? And you say that the “flash traders” have nothing to do with it? Bullshit I say. And what is this nonsense that the national growth rate is too low? That’s just a euphemism that means the people who have the most are not making what they would like to make. And now the government is talking about raising the interest rates. Having worked almost all of my life as an actuary and dealing with numbers I can tell you that the country is far better off with lower interest rates as opposed to higher rates. Lower rates put more money in the hands of the people and therefore they have more to spend on whatever. Think about it.
Does all of this talk get you down? What about the emails that you get promising you the world or a carefree life?
If a fraction of the monetary related emails that I have received were true, I would be literally swimming in money. I’m sure that most of you, at one time or another, have received an email that proclaimed, “You have been selected……………and all that we need is some basic information about you so that we can verify……………”, or words to that effect. The stated prize money is now as high as 1.5 million in US dollars.
At one time all such offers originated from one of the more impoverished countries in Africa. These offers have gotten a lot more sophisticated over the years and some of them are very ingenious. I have received cleverly worded offers from individuals claiming to be in the military. These I save and when I get another such email from a different serviceman or servicewoman, I forward the second of such emails to the sender of the first email with a suggestion that they get together and pool their efforts.
Most of the time I deal with these offers in the following manner: I simply say that, “I am too busy and do not have the time no matter how lucrative the offer is”. Then I make the following suggestion: “For all of your efforts and assistance in the matter I will split the funds with you 50-50. If this is acceptable to you, let me know and I will email you instructions where to send my certified check”. Try it.
What’s new in the world, besides the usual you know what?
Now that the US Army has two females that graduated from Ranger School, the Navy is opening up their Seal Program to females. Maybe they had better recall Demi Moore?
If you are into history, you would know that the Russians had during WWII, two female fighter squadrons, the Germans had two two female test pilots that flew experimental jets, the Yugoslavs had female combatants in their partisan groups and the Israelis had females in their combat units since they gained their independence.
A public health agency in England has announced that E-cigarettes are 95% safer than the real thing. How about that? What does our FDA have to say in the matter?
It is presently estimated that Hillary will receive less than 50% of the potential Democratic vote. Maybe this is why the big O has withheld his support of Hillary and is slow dancing with Joe Biden who may ultimately get the go-ahead.