It’s been a while now. It was more than three years ago when I tried my best to convince everyone of the folly of trying to make Obamacare into something that it could never be. Yes, there are tens of millions of our citizens, Americans, out there who for one reason or another are not included in any kind of health insurance program. And yes, they should somehow be included. But the powers that be are not going about it in the right way.
In fact, whatever program is put forth, it will NEVER work until the idea of having to utilize insurance companies is removed from the equation. The insurance companies are not now nor have they ever been in this for humanitarian reasons. They are in it for one thing and one thing only, to make a profit.
The phrases, “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” and “You don’t have to re-invent the wheel”, always come to mind whenever I hear someone say, “Obamacare”. We already have a program and it does work. The name of it is, “Medicare”, otherwise known as a single payor plan.
But the so-called experts claim that a single payor plan for everyone would be far too expensive. Bullshit. What do you think we already have now when the individual state Medicaid programs have to be shored up or when the insurance company reserves have to be infused by the government? It’s all the same thing and perhaps even worse in terms of costs because there are now more hands in the cookie jar.
But the so-called experts, idiots in reality, claim that a single payor plan is nothing more than socialized medicine. Bullshit. If that’s what it is then we already have it and we’ve been using it since the mid-sixties and it’s called, “Medicare”.
What really surprises me is that the actuarial community, in my opinion, hasn’t even tried to become a positive force in rectifying this dilemma but instead seems to be merely focusing on ways for the insurance industry to be able to justify its existence and purpose in making it all happen. If they have tried, they haven’t tried hard enough.