Why People Dislike Trump
One of my buddies in New York, Arnold, an ex-cop who is always on the lookout for new material that I can use sent me this. I couldn’t turn it down and so included it as part of my latest eblast.
Why DO people dislike Trump? The first thing that comes to mind is that he is rich, not just plain rich with millions but FILTHY rich with billions. That in itself is enough to piss off a lot of people.
Is he an obnoxious person? Early on in his career I would have to say most definitely. He did act in a manner as though he cared nothing about anyone or anything unless it was specifically for his own pleasure, enjoyment or ego. It never dawned on him that one day his irreverent behavior might come back to haunt him.
He claims that his rise in the real estate arena was jump started by a loan of one million dollars from his father, who was already a success in the real estate business. What he didn’t say was that the name of Trump, Trump being his well known father, did in fact open up for him a lot of doors without which the name of Trump, those doors might never have opened up for him.
His behavior at times was arrogance personified and his ego was as big as all outdoors. Nothing phased him and when you are FILTHY rich, that’s a hard thing to avoid, no matter who you are. Who wouldn’t want to be the ultimate playboy of the western world?
What about all of the negative adjectives ascribed to him? I would say that 99.99% of it is pure unadulterated bullshit. When someone tells a fib long enough and loud enough, more and more people begin to not only hear it but eventually begin to believe it. When stretched a little further the fib turns into a lie but the people who were used to hearing it as a fib will now believe it even though it is an outright lie. People believe in lies for various reasons, such as: it is expected of them, it is fashionable to do so, they actually want to believe that the lies are true, they want to impress their friends who already believe the lies or they simply have nothing better to do.
So he said some lewd and lascivious things about certain females. Big fucking deal. I don’t know of one male on this planet, except maybe for the Pope, who hasn’t made some comments about females during his lifetime. But that was then and this is now. Locker room talk does not count for anything. What about the jerk who recorded the now infamous comments for future profits? He belongs in the same category as Linda Tripp. Perhaps they should hook up and start dating? You think? Besides, Trump just talked about it whereas Bill Clinton actually did it.
Did he make some unfair comments about Mexicans? Most certainly. However, they were made at the heat of the moment following the senseless shooting of a young woman by someone who had been previously sent back to his country of origin yet somehow was able to return to the US.
Does a ‘wall’ have any place in our future? Probably. After Trump first raised the prospect, other politicians began to, albeit slowly, echo the same sentiments. What of ‘The Great Wall of China’? Was it built because of discrimination? You could say that it was due to the discrimination of bandits, robbers and other invaders. Unless a country has definable geographic borders it can never properly defend itself against external forces. When there are no such boundaries then a wall is the only way. A wall is not intended to keep out legal immigrants but to keep out illegal immigrants, of all stripes.
In our country we are all immigrants or descended from immigrants, including the American Indian who originally came from somewhere. Going forward there must be laws and regulations that distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants to make certain that illegal immigrants are not awarded the same privileges and benefits as the legal immigrants due to political expediency.
The Big O recently made some conciliatory comments regarding Trump. These were not the exact words but in essence he said that “the way people run a campaign is not the way they govern” and that “the American people should allow him the opportunity to do what he said he would do”.
Enough said.