So What’s Next
After George W. Bush (the kid) left office, I was getting emails calling for his impeachment. That was up to one and a half years following the end of his term. Why? I have absolutely no clue because I never responded to any of those emails. Why did I bring up the subject of impeachment? Imagine for a moment that the Big O was not black but white. If that were true, there surely would have been a groundswell by now to have him impeached. I would not be the least bit surprised if it does happen before it is time for him to go. The reason that it has not happened yet is, in my opinion, most likely due to the fact that the people who could probably make it happen, are fearful of being accused of racism. Think about it. If a white President pulled the shenanigans that the Big O did, whether they were by commission or omission, the guy would be on unemployment.
There was a time when it was announced that the President was going to speak to the nation, almost everyone tuned in to the radio or TV, including yours truly, to find out about the state of our country or of the world. Now, if I should hear that the President is going to speak, I merely respond with a ho-hum while saying to myself, “Why even bother to listen when I could be watching a TV program that I like, particularly since he won’t be saying any thing new and it will be a repeat of the same old bullshit that we have been treated to for the past seven years.” And so it was. Even the media pundits and the pontificating pontificators all agreed.
So what are we going to do with all of the Muslims that are presently coming to our shores and will eventually arrive at our doorstep? Before answering that question you must accept the incontrovertible fact that, with the exception of the American Indian, everyone who lives in the United States is either an immigrant or is descended from immigrants.
In my lifetime I can recall two specific instances where our government practiced and or condoned wholesale racial discrimination. One was the blatant refusal to permit entry to any number of Jews who were attempting to escape from the Nazis who also sought world domination without regard to who or how many they killed in the process. The second instance was the systematic rounding up of all those of Japanese descent that, except for Hawaii, lived on the west coast, without any distinction as to whether or not they were citizens, for internment in camps for the duration of WWII.
Needless to say, the fact that the US created the first nuclear bomb was due in large part to the Jewish physicists who escaped from the Nazis prior to the beginning of WWII. As for the Japanese who were interned, volunteers from therein made up the 442nd Regimental Combat Team of our armed forces during WWII, the most highly decorated unit, ever.
Should we prevent outsiders, any outsiders who are trying to escape persecution and seek freedom for themselves and their families, from gaining entry to the US. I say NO.
But NO with specific, non-refutable and hard fast conditions, namely:
1. They MUST pledge allegiance to the United States of America.
2. They MUST learn to speak English.
3. They MUST work towards becoming US citizens.
4. They MUST integrate into our society.
5. They MUST adhere to ALL of the provisions of our Constitution.
While most people are not aware that, with the exception of the lives lost during the destruction of the twin towers on nine-eleven, our own home-grown white citizens have accounted for more terrorist type killings in the US than all of the various ethnic groups combined.
Nevertheless, with Muslims accounting for approximately 2.08 billion of the 7.3 billion people on our planet or 28.5% of the total, which is currently projected to reach 33.3% by 2030 and when this statistic is combined with the outright threats of Muslim groups such as al-Queda, Boko Haram, Isil, Isis and all of the other lunatics that walk the face of the earth, it is no wonder that the rest us, most of whom don’t give a damn how people pray or don’t pray, might be somewhat uneasy when having to deal with Muslims. For your information, the US has listed fifty nine organizations world wide that are considered to be terrorist groups, with all but twelve being Muslim groups. And for those who are unaware, two of those twelve are Irish groups.
There is another part of the overall equation that our government either cannot or does not want to deal with. In order for the Muslim community to gain the trust and respect of everyone else, they MUST take a positive stand, vocally and monetarily, against what their lunatic fringe has been espousing and no longer to quietly sit back as though Muslim sponsored terrorism does not affect them or their children or their children’s children.