What A Wonderful World We Live In
Based on the latest headlines is it possible that this weeks title is somewhat sarcastic? You think? With one hundred twenty nine dead at last count plus three hundred fifty two who are wounded, ninety nine of them seriously, some of whom may yet succumb to their wounds and die or perhaps be left with a crippling disability due to the multi-pronged attack on a half dozen nearby locations in Paris, France, perpetrated by the lunatics of ISIS, the civilized nations of the world will have their work cut out for them.
Just the other day the Big O declared, once again, that they have ISIS contained, or words to that effect. Contained, did he say? Is he for real? I know, I know. He meant on the battlefield. What I would like to know, is he a total moron or is it that his advisors are simply a bunch of retarded simpletons who walk around with their heads up their asses?
So what’s next? It’s been almost fifteen years since our country was last attacked so I think that the next one will be something really special, something out of the ordinary that will surprise us and which we shall not forget. This coming April 1, 2016, ISIS could launch a multi-city or more correctly, a multi-stadium attack on all of our open air sports arenas on the opening day of the 2016 Major League baseball season, thirty locations in all – with inexpensive drones that carry only a couple of ounces of C-4 to be detonated somewhere high above third base or anywhere else over the field for that matter, which by the way, does not have to kill anyone in order to cause sheer panic.
I listened to John Kerry give his little speech to the people of France, in French no less. I don’t know if his accent was up to the task or if he sounded like any other tourist in a foreign country, but it was indeed a gallant gesture. When I subsequently heard the English translation it was obvious to me that the US has been for the past seven years and is still today the worlds leading super power when it comes to Bullshit.
Mohammed Emwazi, a twenty seven year old British citizen, better known as, “Jihadi John”, was the recent target of one of our drones. His demise has not yet been officially confirmed. The US had already put up a ten million dollar reward on Emwazi but why even try to kill him with such a paltry reward? A far better plan would have been to put a one hundred million dollar bounty on his head which would surely have resulted in one or more of his Muslim lunatic fanatics turning him in for the cash or a herd of camels, whichever they preferred, thereby causing much internal conflict and distrust within their ranks.
On the plus side, Sinjar, Iraq was finally re-taken by Kurdish Peshmerga forces, not Iraqis, after fifteen months of brutal occupation by ISIS. For years we have heard about the prowess and the first rate soldiering of the Republican Guard and other special units of the Iraqi Army. Yeah, when they’re fighting their own people and gassing them. Peshmerga, which means, “one who confronts death”, make up the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi, Kurdistan.
Of late, people all over the country have been asking and saying, “How can we ever beat ISIS? Before you know it they’ll be here.” Donald Trump says that if he is President, he will, “bomb the shit out of them”. Sounds good to me but I think it will take a little more than that in order to defeat them.
ISIS or Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, was born in a vacuum and became an enemy of the US by default, because no one sought to destroy them, or at least curb their appetite when they announced their formation nine years ago as ISI or Islamic State in Iraq. When the civil war began in Syria ISIS did not waste any time. Every country, including the US, especially the US, did not have a clue on how to deal with Syria and so they chose to make believe that ISIS was not a threat and to do nothing, except to pander to the rebel troops, thereby permitting ISIS to continue growing, unfettered and exponentially like a festering cancer without ever being challenged.
In my opinion it will take an army of not less than one half million, and possibly more, on the ground, in order to totally destroy ISIS. Although there are some sixty countries against ISIS at one level or another, victory cannot be declared until every last one that has sworn their body and soul to ISIS is pursued and eliminated from the face of the earth once and for all.